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Writer's picturezahra yousefi

Buying black caviar and 9 essential tips for buying it!

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

Caviar is expensive for two main reasons. The first reason is that it is extracted from sturgeon fish on the verge of extinction.

The second reason is that the maturity age of sturgeon fish is high. A beluga fish needs about 12 years of patience to produce caviar. The purchase of black caviar is increasing with people's awareness. Due to its healing properties, this food has found a special place in the world. Lovers of this precious food always look for authentic and reliable black caviar. This article clarifies the points related to a correct and ideal purchase for those interested.

Black caviar is a valuable food ingredient with excellent nutritional value. This marine substance has more special and unique properties than other aquatic products. This precious substance is so sweet because it comes from the stomachs of endangered sturgeons.

Caviar was an aristocratic food for many years, and many people were deprived of it. But today, efforts are being made to save the generation of these valuable fish from extinction.

Ingredients of caviar:

The composition of caviar is protein, fat, and essential fatty acids, which are anti-cancer solid agents, rare antioxidants, vitamins, water, enzymes, minerals, iron and various hormones.

Caviar is very energetic and invigorating and has healing properties. Caviar is graded according to egg size and processing method.

Sturgeons have a maturity of several years and are very long. This article has tried to teach you all the essential points for a good purchase.

What are the characteristics of good-quality black caviar?

For many years, Iranian caviar has been the first word in the world. Many countries have turned to breeding sturgeon and producing caviar. But caviar still needs to replace the original Iranian caviar. Caviar lovers all over the world know the difference between this precious caviar. Iranian caviar has a different taste and smell.

Quality is one of the essential issues to pay attention to when buying black caviar. Quality caviar has a series of characteristics. The processing of caviar from catch to packaging includes different steps; you can refer to our articles. Quality caviar has several features.

Depending on the species, caviar is different in appearance and chemistry. We know these caviars as beluga caviar (elephant fish), Berri caviar (Siberian salmon), Astra caviar (Russian salmon), and Svorga caviar (Ozonbron salmon), which is the most famous of them. It is worth mentioning that Almas caviar is the world's most expensive caviar.

Quality caviar has whole, healthy and uniform seeds. The seeds are separate natural caviar without ovarian fluid and any additional substances. There is no crushing inside the roots. Caviar should not be too hard or too soft and should be elastic. Caviar seeds should be bright, shiny and have a proper polish.

Caviar should be uniform, moist and without an unpleasant smell. When buying black caviar, be careful; natural caviar should have a mild Mediterranean aroma. The caviar you eat should not taste stale and sour.

Also, caviar should be fresh and bitter. Caviar's bitterness is indicative of decay and corruption. The color of caviar varies depending on the species. The color of natural caviar is a range of gray, olive green, dark gray and golden colors. Be careful; the caviar that returns color is fake.

Points to consider when buying black caviar.

Supervision and control of caviar quality

All standard caviar available in the market is under the supervision of health and regulatory organizations. Therefore, to buy black caviar, it is necessary to get caviar from facilities under the supervision of quality control. Caviar quality control includes monitoring, checking and tests carried out throughout the production line (from the catch to the processing) on the way it is processed and stored.

Due to the rich nutritional value of this product, it is a suitable environment for the growth of various micro-organisms. . Therefore, the control of each step is critical and fundamental.

Standard caviar

Points to consider when buying black caviar.

1- Many artificial caviars have come to the market today. Caviar is made from paraffin or other fish's ovaries. These ingredients are made into a paste-like liquid in caviar-shaped capsules. Because artificial caviar has a gel state and is made during the heating process, it returns to its original jelly state with heat.

2- Artificial caviar has an irregular and multifaceted shape. These fake caviars are complex and sometimes have empty shells.

3- Avoid buying caviar at unconventional prices. The price of the original caviar is known.

4- Artificial caviar has too much shine, which is utterly different from natural caviar. Therefore, paying attention to the appearance of caviar can help you.

5- The taste of counterfeit caviar is different from the original caviar. It is tasteless and entirely distinct.

6- Avoid buying caviar with crowded logos, which is almost empty.

7- Standard caviar has complete information such as license, production date, expiration date, type of caviar, place of caviar production, storage period and necessary standards.

8- When buying black caviar, choose with standard packaging and pasteurized. Caviar pasteurization is done to increase its shelf life and enable short-term storage of caviar at room temperature. Fake caviar can have a high contamination loa. It is dangerous.

9- Caviar packages and cans have specific sizes, such as 30, 50, and 100 grams, and fake cans are more significant than usual.


Black caviar should be bought from reliable places, companies that have approvals from the Ministry of Health. Also, companies that share their work process with you.

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