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Writer's picturezahra yousefi

What are the benefits of honey?

Honey is a dense and thick sugary substance made by bees in nature. Honey or nectar, called Angbin in Farsi, is a thick sugary substance rich in vitamins and other nutrients. In addition to its nutritional properties, honey has various medicinal properties, which are mentioned in different religions. Even in the Quran, there is a chapter called Nahl (bee).

In their flight to the flowers, honey bees suck the nectar of the flowers and store some of that nectar inside the beehive, and when they return, these pollens are mixed with other substances in their bodies and become drops of honey in the nests, they make and into the hive. It is known they are saved. It is interesting to know; Bees never sleep, so during the day, they are busy collecting pollen and storing it in the beehive nests, and at night they suck the stored honey again and mix it with different substances in their body, including diastase; Then some of its juice is taken by the beekeeper in the body of the bee, and it is stored again in the nests of the beehive.

Natural honey production process

Since producing honey is not an ordinary process, you will be shocked if you know how much effort goes into its production. Beekeeping experts claim that to produce 450 grams of honey, approximately 60,000 bees visit about 2 million flowers (about 8,850 km) to extract enough nectar to produce this amount of honey.

It requires a lot of teamwork and a lot of time. Honey bees have two stomachs and store the nectar from flowers in one of these stomachs. With the other stomach, they digest their favorite food and pollen.

In the extra stomach, the nectar obtained from the collected pollen is mixed with enzymes, and each bee regurgitates this mixture into another bee's mouth. This may seem unpleasant, but it is natural and not as dirty as it seems. This process continues until part of the nectar is digested. Then the honey is stored inside them, and the bees use their wings to fan the liquid nectar and thicken it.

After that, another liquid, used to seal the nectar inside the cell, is secreted from the bee's stomach and the nectar inside the beeswax becomes solid. Here we look at honey's properties for health so that as many people as possible can benefit from this natural healing and health-supporting substance.

It is worth noting that honey should not be given to a baby because his immune and digestive systems are also developing. Honey may contain botulism and the baby's tiny body is not yet ready to fight it.

5 essential properties of natural honey for health

1- Antibacterial properties

Honey has two antibacterial effects:

• Bacteriostatic effect: It can prevent bacteria's proliferation and growth.

• Antibacterial effect: it can destroy bacteria.

Antibacterial properties of honey have been observed, usually against gram-positive bacteria. Recent research on coagulase-negative staphylococcus (such as Staphylococcus epidermidis) has also shown the effectiveness of meadow honey and manuka honey.

2- Nutritional properties

It is said that honey creates good resistance due to the ease of better absorption and resistance to bruises, especially in the case of physical activities, it also strengthens memory and makes it more efficient, so both healthy and sick people can use it for recovery. Any weakness, especially in digestion or absorption of food in the body, needs it. In addition, it increases the growth of babies, stabilizes the amount of calcium, and treats anemia and anorexia.

3- Help to eliminate allergies

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of honey, this substance can help reduce allergy symptoms. Honey acts as a natural vaccine due to its small amount of pollen. If you suffer from a runny nose and itchy eyes during allergy season, honey can help you a lot.

As soon as a small amount of pollen in honey enters your body, it will produce antibodies that will fight against that pollen, which means that your body will create a kind of defense against that allergy all the time. So, when a small amount of pollen you are allergic to enters, your immune system will become aggressive.

Because only a tiny amount of pollen enters your body, your immune system successfully attacks and destroys it, simultaneously boosting your immune system.

It is essential to consume honey obtained from your local areas because it contains pollen from your local flowers. By consuming a small amount of honey daily (a teaspoon), your body will strengthen its natural immunity against allergens that usually cause allergy symptoms in you.

Remember to start consuming honey two or three months before allergy season, so your body has enough time to strengthen its immune system. To get local honey, visit your local farmer's market or health food store near you.

4- Strengthening the body's energy

If you ever feel exhausted at work, after lunch, or struggling to get out of bed every morning, you can use a natural energy booster to fix this problem. Because of its high carbohydrate content, honey is an excellent source of unprocessed sugar energy.

Honey's glucose and fructose enter the bloodstream quickly, boosting the energy needed for your movement. This is a great way to start a long-term exercise regimen. Otherwise, consume honey with your breakfast to strengthen the energy needed to do your work.

The good idea is to add a spoon full of honey to a cup of tea or drink it with a small amount of coffee because consuming too much coffee will not increase your energy. You can also drink a little lukewarm tea with a tablespoon of honey in the afternoon. But remember that you should consume only one or two tablespoons of raw honey daily.

5- Properties of honey to strengthen memory

We all want to have a strong memory as we age, so eating foods that enhance memory is recommended. Antioxidants are beautiful substances for nourishing brain cells. It has been found that several antioxidants in honey can keep your brain at its best.

Research shows that consuming just one spoonful of honey daily can help preserve the memory power of postmenopausal women. Adding a teaspoon of honey to a cup of tea a day is a simple and enjoyable way to achieve this goal.

Honey also helps absorb calcium in the brain and preserve memory. Taking good care of your brain through the proper nutrients can reduce your chances of developing dementia in old age.

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